Friday, May 27, 2011

Long Weekend

So today begins a 4-day weekend! Just wanted to check and see what you all will be doing. Post a comment and let us know. I'm sure some of you are already gone and out camping or vacationing. But if you are still around let us know what you are up to.

Here are my weekend plans:

-today: hang out with my wife and kids, run as many errands as possible so we can relax on Saturday

-Saturday: relax, prep for my sermon on Sunday, relax, hang out with Garrison and Josiah, relax, and relax

-Sunday: worship at Bayside, preach a sermon, have lunch with family, relax and hang out with my boys

-Monday: grill out

What are you doing on this long weekend?



  1. im hanging out with friends then im going to do my presentations get ready for the last 7 days of school and then on monday i am going to plan out my 16th birthday thing i have to have at least 60 people i guess :) wish me luck on finding that many lol

  2. absolutely nothing.... and i'm okay with that (:

  3. oh, and by the way, you did a great job speaking on suday tom (:
