Thursday, April 28, 2011

What you missed last night

Once again we had a great time at youth group last night. There were many highlights:

-sloppy joes for dinner
-a quiz on restaurant slogans (won by Derek)
-a parable about the faithful servant
-AMP kids that were amped up!
-and a great game of dodge ball

For the last few weeks some guys (Ben, Hunter, and Nathan - all pictured above) have been giving me a hard time about selecting teams for our game times. They say I never let them be on a team together. So last night we allowed all Tunells in the building (except Grandma and Grandpa) be on the same dodge ball team. Nathan and Ben started out together while AMP had an early start to the games. And unfortunately they lost the first two games. But once the junior highers came out of small group time, the team added Hunter as well as Megan - and the result:

TUNELLS RULE! Three straight wins to take the night as dodge ball champions!

Looks like we'll have to go back to splitting this family up!



  1. you can say that again;)

  2. Tunells do rule!!!!!

  3. Once again...BECCA TUNELL!May 3, 2011 at 9:09 PM

    Yeah, Represent! We shall never split!
