Now is the time to start signing up. To register you must have a 2011 permission slip on file with the church and the cost is $60 per student. This includes a retreat t-shirt designed by James Alan Hall! Your friends are welcome and we are encouraging and challenging you to invite and bring a friend with you. We want as many students there as possible. You only have 2 more weeks to sign up as the deadline is Thursday, March 17. Let me know ASAP if you would like to register.
Pictured above is Mark Somerville from the country of Belize. He is our featured guest speaker. This picture is from last year's retreat as he led several of the students to the dining hall. In the background is the "King's Court" - where they have a full basketball court and game room! I hope you are planning on coming - and if you are see me ASAP to get signed up!
now only one!!!