Wednesday, February 9, 2011

For the love ball

On Thursday we are having a HUGE event - I hope that you have heard by now. But let this be a reminder. All students 6th-12th grade are invited to "For the Love ball!" It will be held on Thursday, February 10, from 9pm until midnight. (There is no school on Friday for Superior public schools.) The event will be held at Central Assembly of God, it's the church right next to the skate park in Superior.

We will have music, games, prizes and lots of fun fun fun! Oh yeah, and there will be a dodge ball tournament. Teams of at least 6 players can be formed that night and entered into the tournament. It is going to be a lot of a crazy night!

In addition to all that fun, we will have a message on love. It will be all about God's love and how Jesus Christ fulfills that love. This is a great opportunity to invite your friends who do not know God or have a relationship with Jesus. They can have a lot of fun and learn about the amazing love that God has for them. Pray about coming, and pray about bringing a friend.

We hope to see you there - tomorrow night!



  1. AHH, i thought i could make it.
    frowny face.
    hope you guys are having fun!!!!!!

  2. wish i could have made it, i was super tired and i didnt know anybody who was going so i chickened out i guess but i hope everyone had fun!!!
    maybe next time!!!
