Thursday, July 22, 2010


It is time to start preparing for our youth group summer road trip. This year we are heading down to the Twin Cities to see the Mall of America and Valley Fair! The trip will be August 29-30, which is the last Sunday/Monday before school starts back up. All youth group students in 7th-12th grade are invited to come along. We will meet at Bayside at noon on Sunday, August 29th. We'll drive down to the Mall and spend the day there, then drive to a church and spend the night there. On Monday we will get up and go to Valley Fair for the day. We plan to return to Bayside at 9:30pm on Monday night, August 30.

The cost is $60 which includes the travel expenses, breakfast and lunch on Monday, and your ticket to Valley Fair. Students will need to bring their own money for dinner at the Mall and dinner at Valley Fair as well as any spending money. Also, you should know that we will be traveling via a motor coach bus - much more luxurious than our old funky colored buses! We will have individual seats as well as televisions to watch movies on the road!

All students who attend must have a 2010 permission slip on file at the church. You can start signing up NOW! Space is limited because we have to fill the motor coach and we will be taking this trip with North Bay Church youth group as well. Both of our churches have a select number of seats available on the bus - so the sooner you sign up the safer you are to guarantee your spot! You can sign up on Sundays at church or on Wednesdays at youth group. If you have any questions just let me know.

So what are you most looking forward to about this trip? ME? I can't wait to get back on the EXTREME SWING!

The top picture is Alex Tunell, Luke Tunell, and Pastor Tom. The bottom picture is actually Grant, Philip, and Tyler - you just have to zoom in to see them!



  1. i want to go a lot but we are moving on the 20th (or so i thought ) .So the only way i could stay here that long is if i stay in a card bord box ( and as much as i want to stay thats not going to happen)

  2. YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!! hope the church isn't super hot.

  3. Yeah, i remember that. the gym was horridly hot.
    but i can't wait to go to the Mall of A. We had such a great time last year.

  4. Hey Dylan,
    I'm sure if you were really motivated you could always hide in the church attic. There's a bunch of cardboard boxes up there. :)
    No but seriously I really hope you and your sister can come with us. I don't have suitcases large enough to smuggle both of you.

  5. I am soo pumped for Valley Fair and MOA. I just wish it was earlier in the month. Oh well, at least we're going :)

  6. there are a lot of boxes up there but there is most likly spiders to :(

  7. yeah i really going to miss you and your sister dylan youth group wont be the same without you guys:(

    hey becca do we have to go to American eagle this time jk

  8. @13>< T|_| I\I 311July 28, 2010 at 11:07 AM

    im going for sure. because this will be my last time ever :'( sad face.

  9. thats alex tunell...

  10. im soo exited for valleyfair. and MOA. havent been there since last time the church went. btw dylan i hope u can find a way to go to MOA.

  11. i am so going on the xtreme swing FIRST this time...-__-

  12. i'll hitch hike all the way there if i have to (and i most likly will )
