Friday, June 11, 2010

Girls/Guys Night Out

Don't forget that FRIDAY is Girls and Guys Night Out at youth group. We are meeting at Bayside at 6pm. The girls and the guys will go out separately to do their own thing. Then we will meet back at Bayside for a bonfire until about midnight. Your friends are welcome to join us, but everyone who attends must have a permission slip on file. There is no cost. See you on Friday at 6pm!



  1. EricaNicoleMittlestadt28June 11, 2010 at 1:13 PM

    I can't wait.
    i hope no one has to miss it.

  2. EricaNicoleMittlestadt28June 12, 2010 at 12:50 AM

    Oh my gosh, that was SO awesome!!!
    special thanks to all the youth leaders and Pastor Tom!
    the bonfire was so cool, i loved the ice cream sundaes, and i can't believe the story falyn made up!
    The hero, Barack Obama, was married to a Llama and a Panda and the super-wife at the oval office in Alaska with the spelling bee. But the Llama was from Alabama and they were all happily married but they all got divorces.... it was crazy cool.
    oh there is no way i'm getting to sleep tonight.

  3. yeah and they all had kids and a happy marrage but yet they all got divorces...good job Falyn for figuring it all out :)
