Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Changing Colors

Did you notice the change right away? What used to be gray has turned into white. I was just looking around and thought it would be nice to change the look up a bit. But it got me thinking...crazy thinking. What if the students chose the color scheme of the blog? So what if? I guess it would not be the end of the world. So here goes...

Post a comment on this blog post and suggest the color scheme that you would like to see for the blog. I will wait and see how many of you have an opinion in this area. I know for sure that Amber will not be choosing red! Once I get some feedback, we may have a vote or something. And then we can change it and keep it for awhile. So if you want it to be Packers theme, give me the green and yellow suggestion. If you are a Vikings person, give me the purple and yellow suggestion. If you are a rainbow crazy, give me the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo suggestion! Maybe you have other thoughts. Pink and black, blue and gold, Columbia blue and white (Go Spartans!), whatever you like. Just make a suggestion and we'll see where this goes. Have fun!



  1. Erica Nicole MittlestadtMay 12, 2010 at 9:41 PM

    okay, either...
    •black with neon blue highlights
    •black with neon pink highlights and white
    •black with neon yellow highlights

  2. Erica Nicole MittlestadtMay 15, 2010 at 10:59 PM

    but then again now that i think about it, Falyn's right.
    rainbow colors with ponies would DEFINITELY describe our yg.

  3. neon colors would look cool! like, green and pink and blue and red and orange. Would look very...hmmm...very youth group-ish.

  4. i dont know about you guys but i like the colors red and brown
    or i always like the colors blue and white.....go spartans

  5. i think it should stay red like it used to be

  6. i changed my mind i think it should be purple and gold . GO VIKINGS!!!!!!

  7. the colors should be purple and gold GO VIKINGS!!!

  8. i love chocolate

  9. um...Im with Megan. I like the Spartan colors.

  10. how about orange and purple. or orange and blue
