Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13, 2006

Exactly 7 years ago today I drove my old Chevy Blazer truck across a bridge that borders Minnesota and Wisconsin.  I pulled into the parking lot of Bayside Baptist Church for the first time as an employee.

A lot happens in 7 years and as I write this I am amazed at how God has worked in my life, the life of my family, the life of our church and the lives of the students I've worked with.

In 7 years we have sold 2 houses and bought a new house (that is 129 years old.)  We've been blessed with 3 amazing and wonderful children - ALL BOYS!  I've gone through and graduated seminary and coached 6 seasons of high school soccer.  We've endured two divorces in the families of our loved ones.  We've seen our church go from average attendance of 250 to 150 and all the way back to above 350 again.  I've seen every other staff member resign or move on (although some came back!)  We've had 100's of students come through our youth ministry.  We have put on 16 (!) youth retreats (if you include this coming weekend!)  I have been a part of over 50 baptisms.  I've been on two mission trips with a third planned this summer.  I've seen the best of times and I've seen the worst of times.  I've watched a church family fall apart and I've watched a church family put the pieces back together and build itself back up.  The little kids who were in 5th grade the day I started are graduating in 3 months!  I've laughed, I certainly have cried (don't laugh - you all know how much I cry), and I even got mad 3 times (if you were there you remember!)  I can't count how many times I've been hit with a dodge ball, how many pieces of pizza I have eaten or how many cans of Mountain Dew I have consumed.  I'm a youth pastor.

I want to thank the students of Bayside youth group.  I could never have endured the church conflict we saw if it weren't for some amazing young people that made this job worth it.  Thanks also to the many adult volunteers that have made our ministry happen.

There are so many specific people to thank but I will speak to them individually.  You know who you are.

I also want to thank my wife, Sarah.  I couldn't do it without her and she has certainly sacrificed time and again for the sake of my "job" and the life of ministry.  Even last night I had to work 4-5 extra hours because "something came up."  Thank you Sarah for being a supporting wife and an amazing mother to our boys.  And for keeping our household together and making it a home for more than just our boys (siblings, family members and youth kids alike.)

Lastly, I want to thank God.  He clearly called us and moved us to Superior, WI.  Thank you God for everything you have done in these 7 years.  Thank you for challenging me and thank you for blessing me.  Thank you for every person that you have put in my path.  Thank you for making me who I am today.  And thank you for Jesus Christ.  Because of Jesus, I'm alive!

I find it fitting that on March 17-19, 2006 - just 4 days after I started this youth pastor job - I was a part of my first Bayside youth retreat.  And in just 2 days it will be #16.  I can't wait!

I feel like I'm just getting started.

Stay the course!  God is still at work.



  1. I think its safe to say we have the greatest youth pastor ever.

  2. As a man who has been three 3 out of the 3 times you have been mad. You rock my socks Pastor Tom. Seriously, I cannot imagine a better leader to come in and take control of Bayside Baptists Youth Group
