Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Did you know...that the average American family is wealthier than 95% of the rest of the world?  Think about that for a moment.  Just think about it.

You are probably an average American.  That means that you are wealthier than 95% of the rest of the world!  Millions of people, billions of people across the globe are in poverty and much worse situations than you.  Makes you think twice about complaining over the dinner menu that you are looking at today, right?

Sometimes when we think about the reality of this world it makes us feel like there is nothing we can do.  That there is such a gap and it is too much work to make a difference.  But we are wrong.  WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Even if it is in only 1 life!

Recently our youth group was challenged by one of its own.  Falyn has challenged us in 2 ways.  First of all we are going to collect extra change and dollars each week in youth group for the next few weeks.  Then we are going to select a gift that we can give to an area/child/family in poverty somewhere across the globe.  Maybe we will buy a carton of milk for a family in need, maybe we'll collect enough to buy a goat for a small village in need, or maybe we'll collect enough to build a pond to provide water for a community in need.

The second challenge is one that Falyn is doing this year for Christmas.  She has asked her parents to take the money they would spend on her for Christmas presents and send it across the globe to help others in poverty.  So her challenge was for each of us to consider doing the same thing.  Or even a portion of the same thing.  Take one present.  Or a small amount of what your parents will spend.  Or sacrifice something of your own to make a difference - even if it is in just 1 life!

And 19.98 you ask?  That's how much we collected on the first night we announced this in senior high youth group, without any warning or time to plan or prepare.  So now you know.  The next time you come to youth group bring some extra change and let's make a difference!


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