Monday, June 27, 2011

if you weren't at youth group, you didn't get a McFlurry!

That's right. Last night at Senior High Youth Group on Sunday nights it was "McFlurry Night." We talked about fear, we had a quiz about movie stars, we played serious kick ball (much different than regular kick ball), and we all had a McFlurry. We missed you.



  1. Um, are junior highers going to get mcflurries? (;

  2. yea.... I'm kinda am jealous :P

  3. maybe the junior highers can have mcflurries later in the summer. the reason we did it was because there weren't a whole lot of kids that showed up - so we wanted to do something fun and special. we'll see...

  4. mcflurries are delicous! i am super jealous!!!
