Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Lock-In

Well the New Year has come and gone, and we had a great lock-in party. It was 12 hours of craziness. The night started off with the first round of "SURVIVOR." The students were put into 5 teams of 8. Each team went around to different stations where they had to work together to accomplish a goal. These stations were a ping pong rally, building a lego tower, untying themselves, putting a puzzle together blindfolded, and making a pyramid. Every team was doing really well, but in the end only one would be the winners. That team then qualified to play "SURVIVOR" the rest of the night. Every hour we eliminated members of their team until there was only one. The team members showed some amazing grit, some of them even standing quietly for 39 minutes! The last three were Cody Casper, Falyn McCotter, and Erick Tunell. At 5am at the foosball table it seemed as though Falyn's run was over, but in an amazing turn of events she scored a goal in 1.82 seconds to eliminate Erick! The final two were Cody and Falyn and they would be facing the blindfolded puzzle - ALONE! Falyn finished it in 17:09 and Cody finished in 20:28. Falyn was the winner of a duffle bag filled with over $100 in prizes. In true sporting fashion, she even gave Cody the $15 I-Tunes gift card. What a winner! Overall it was a great night. Besides the "SURVIVOR" game we also had video games, movies, a ton of games of sardines and hide and seek, as well as the usual table games. We also barely caught the last 8 seconds of the ball dropping before midnight! I'm thankful for a great bunch of students who know how to have a good time and who always behave well. You guys rock! I will be posting pictures from the lock-in on Sunday night. Remember to post a comment about your favorite memory or part of the lock-in.


  1. the lockin was an awesome time and thank you tom for the awesome time

  2. even though my team scored in dead last in survivor, it was still a fun experience !(:
