Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bye Bye Beardie

Well as many of you have seen I shaved off my beard. Every winter since I was a junior in high school (1997) I have grown a beard beginning around Thanksgiving and lasting sometimes until the end of January. As I have gotten older I have adjusted how long I have kept it, and also Sarah has had her say in it as well because she does not like my look with a beard. I started growing this beard back in early December, right around the time we went to California for vacation. So it lasted for a about a month. As I was writing this I remembered that two years ago I had Sarah take a before and after picture of me when I grew my winter beard. So I looked in my computer and found the pictures. Here is my beard in January of 2008:

And below is a picture that was taken immediately after I shaved off said beard. Also, notice that I cut my hair too.

So what do you all think? Do you like the beard? Do you like the normal look for me, which has historically been a goatee (and Sarah's favorite)? Or do you like a clean shaven look? Let me know what you think...



  1. I like the one in your look in in your pic w/ the soccer ball on the left.

  2. Thank you Falyn. That's how I like Tom to look too. He looks his best with a goatee. Why he doesn't listen to me, I'll never understand.

  3. Does anyone think Tom looks like a homeless man in the top picture?

  4. i like the picture with soccer he doesn't look to much like a homeless guy he looks like himself more in that picture

  5. YEAH I totally agree with you sarah =)
