Monday, September 17, 2012

Campus Missionaries

We are challenging and encouraging every student who is a part of Bayside youth group to make a commitment to be a Campus Missionary this school year.  We have talked about it at youth group and now are giving you the opportunity to rise to the occasion.

A Campus Missionary is a student who commits to:


Very simple.  Very real.  

I shared some verses last night at SR HIGH youth group and wanted to put them on the blog for anyone to read and study as you consider becoming a Campus Missionary:

Romans 8:28
Hebrews 11:6
Colossians 3:23-24
Esther 4:12-14
1 Timothy 4:12

If you have any questions about becoming a Campus Missionary, please let me know.  Remember we have a retreat to train, equip and prepare you for this commitment and that retreat will be September 29-30.

Come to youth group to find out more!


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