Tuesday, April 3, 2012

JR HIGH youth group this Wednesday - PRIZE NIGHT!

Tomorrow we will be having JR HIGH youth group like normal on Wednesday nights. We start at 6pm with dinner and then we meet from 6:30pm-8:00pm. But this week is different, this week is...


You don't want to miss it. You will have a great chance at going home with a prize, or consuming a prize during the night! So come out all you 7th and 8th graders.

And no Philip McCotter, this does not mean you. And if you try to sneak in I will have Ben Tunell take you out!

See you tomorrow night!



  1. That was a fun night
    I wanted to win that flinging cheese(Frisbee) but Noah won it.

    I love my little snow globe :^)

  2. I have to agree that night was one of the funniest nights ever! Terrell I think everyone wanted to win that cheese.
    You probably would of blown it up.
    I am your new competition.

    -Isaac Ellis
