Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July Youth Leader of the Month

Annie Drexler is our youth leader of the month for July. Annie has been a part of Bayside youth group for several years. She serves as a junior high small group leader and every once in a while will make super good treats to bring to youth group! Annie is an elementary school teacher at Cloquet Christian Academy and is currently pursuing her master's degree. Her favorite part of being a youth leader is the free car washes!

Some of her favorites:
Food - Chicken Enchiladas
Cereal - Raisin Bran
Candy - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Snack Food - GORP
Color - Green
Movie - Serendipity
TV Show - NCIS
Outdoor Activity - Roller Blading
Sports Team - Green Bay Packers
Bible Verse - Philippians 4:13

Be sure to thank Annie for all she does for our youth group. We appreciate your years of service and your heart for youth ministry!



  1. Bayside youth group attenders on July 14July 14, 2010 at 7:12 PM

    Annie you are awesome. We missed you at youth group tonight. A fantabulistic muffin. Super-Crazy. (in a good way)

  2. EricaNicoleMittlestadtJuly 18, 2010 at 12:54 PM

    YAY ANNIE!!!!

  3. Ya know I told Annie congrats and she didn't seem too thrilled, maybe this Wednesday we should give her a proper congrats ;)

  4. Yeah we will mention it again since she was not there. I think she is not too thrilled because she doesn't like the attention that comes with it!
