Friday, April 9, 2010

Retreat Pictures

Just a quick reminder that I now have a link on the left side of the page here where you can click and go to a page of youth group pictures. There are folders of pictures from different youth group events, including our most recent retreat. Speaking of that, here are some of those photos:

This first picture is the blue team, winners of the "Raising Up Your Cross" scavenger hunt game.

Here is a picture of the green team, second place.

Here is the yellow team, third place.

And finally the red team, fourth place.

Don't forget to check out the link to the page of youth group photos.


  1. I'm sorry, but those cross pieces were hidden good! Plus we lost a few people along the way and it's kinda a BAD idea to loose students out in the middle of the woods at night....

    We found them though - well eventually.
    So yah.
    Erica - Red Team

  2. Erica, of all the teams to complain! you had the color red, red pieces stick out a lot easier in the woods than any other. If anyone should complain it would be the green team! but you guys still did good.

  3. way to go blue team you won

  4. all boys team....and then me

    (green team)

  5. GO YELLOW TEAM i think our team was THE BEST
