Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Where is everyone at?

Well first I should let you know where I have been. The last week has been kind of crazy. I last updated on here on Monday, February 1st, and usually I get a chance to post something the day after youth group, but last Thursday was crazy. Then Sarah and I took our family down to the Twin Cities for the weekend. We just got back yesterday afternoon.

I looked through the blog and see that there hasn't been much activity lately. What have you been busy doing? Just take a quick moment and reply with a comment to this question: What is one thing you would like to see us do in youth group?

Let me know.



  1. First I want to let you know the Saints won, since you have not been here (:

    And to your last question, I think we should go out and help the commuinty. And i remember last year we went to SuperOne to pass out hot chocolate.. just I guess stuff like that (:

  2. First I want to let you know the Saints won, since you haven't been around lately.

    and to your last question, I think we should go out in the community more, and so stuff like passing out hot chocolate at superone, like last year. (:

  3. i enjoy the small group time so never change that...

    and i just really think that next time we have sort of a lot of people we should play honey do you love me... it's not much fun with like no people.

    i also like how you show us little clips to help us understand the message.

  4. i think that we should go in the community more also that would be really fun... and helpful.


  5. I would like to see more students fawning over the wonderful youth leaders ;) and I guess the pastor to ;)

  6. i also like the small group time, it is a lot of fun. so dont change that ☺

  7. I shall fix the problem with not much activity and TALK! BWA HA HA HA HAAA!!!!!...but i agree with megan.

  8. kailey phillipsssssssssFebruary 23, 2010 at 7:03 PM

    haha why have i never been on this blog yet? i seriously laughed for like, ten minutes about how creepy grant sounds about wanting "students fawning over the wonderful youth leaders ;)" hahhaha and youth group is great! i don't even know what you could change.
