Jim Lehikoinen is the May youth leader of the month. "Big Jim" has been a part of Bayside youth group for several years serving as our bus driver and a senior high small group leader. Jim is married to Joleen (who once served many years as a youth leader as well) and they have three kids: Shannon, Amber and Tyler. Shannon graduated out of youth group in 2008, Amber is in the senior high and Tyler is in the junior high. Jim is a firefighter for the Superior Fire Department and loves to shop the clearance rack for deals. Seriously!
Some of his favorites:
Food - Lasagna
Cereal - Honey Granola with Oats
Candy - Snickers
Snack Food - Chicken Wings
Color - Green
Movie - Mulan or The Terminator
Outdoor Activity - Fishing, hunting, and sports
Magazine - Popular Science
Sports Team - Green Bay Packers
Bible Verse - James 1:26-27
Be sure to thank Jim for his years of service to our youth group and church. He is an important part of our youth group! Thanks Jim for all you do!